After-Death Communication (ADC) Experiences
Personal Accounts - Hearing a Voice: Auditory ADCs
Alfred is a retired farmer and factory worker in Nova Scotia, Canada.
He became a bereaved father when his 11-year-old son, Trevor, died of
Trevor died at 4:00 in the morning. As my wife and I were starting to
leave the hospital and come home, the sun was coming up on the horizon.
My sister was with us in the car and she said, “I have never seen such a
beautiful sunrise in my life.”
Just as I looked up at the sun, I could hear Trevor’s voice saying,
“It’s all right, Dad.” It was his voice, just as clear as could be. It
came to my ears, just as though he was sitting in the back seat.
Instantly, I had this peaceful feeling I had never had before, which
lasted probably ten or fifteen seconds. I then knew Trevor was with God,
and this must be the peace he was feeling.
Lois, a homemaker in Nebraska,
was fortunate to hear from her husband, Ray, after he died unexpectedly
of a stroke at age 33:
On the morning after Ray died, I heard his
voice say, “I
forgot to bank that money! It’s in my coat
pocket. You better get it and put it in your purse now.” It sounded like
he was standing behind my right shoulder.
I went and looked in his coat pocket, and
there was the
money! It was three hundred and some dollars
cash! That came in very handy right then.
We had sold my station wagon the afternoon
before he died. Ray had put the money in his pocket and was going to
deposit it. But I didn’t know he hadn’t gone to the bank yet.