STE Volunteers Biographies
The management and staff of Eternea wishes to express our gratitude for
the efforts of the following STE Volunteers:
Jeffrey Long, MD, STE Council Chairman
Jeffrey Long is a radiation oncologist and author of the New York
Times bestseller Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of
Near-Death Experiences. A leading near-death experience (NDE)
researcher, in 1998 he established the nonprofit Near-Death
Experience Research Foundation. He also founded the NDERF, ADCRF and
OBERF websites devoted to the study of near-death experience,
after-death communication, and out-of-body experience respectively.
These websites contain the full text of thousands of personally
reported narratives. His work has led to increasing awareness that
worldwide and across cultural boundaries, people all share these
types of experiences, and that they are similar to a degree that is
medically inexplicable. Long has appeared on NBC's Today Show, ABC's
World News Tonight with Peter Jennings, FOX's The O'Reilly Factor,
and The Learning Channel. He has also been interviewed on the Art
Bell radio show and on Coast to Coast radio with George Noory over a
dozen times.
Neal Grossman, PhD, STE Council Vice-Chairman
Neal Grossman has recently retired after 40 years of teaching
Philosophy at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He earned his
B.S. from MIT and his MA and PhD in the History and Philosophy of
Science from Indiana University. Before beginning his teaching
career, he served in the Peace Corps. His areas of inquiry are wide
ranging, including the philosophy of quantum mechanics Spinoza,
Plato, mysticism, and survival research. He is on the Board of
Directors of the Chicago Chapter of the International Association
for Near-Death Studies and has published the book, Healing the Mind:
the Philosophy of Spinoza Adapted for a New Age, as well as numerous
articles on questions of consciousness, near-death experiences, life
after death, ESP, and related topics.
Chair, Near-Death Experiences
(to be supplied)
Bill Guggenheim, Chair, After-Death Communications
Bill Guggenheim and his former wife, Judy Guggenheim, conducted seven
years of research on After-Death Communication (ADC) for their
bestselling book, Hello From
Heaven! During this time they interviewed 2,000 people and
collected more than 3,300 firsthand accounts of ADC experiences.
Bill is on the Board of Advisors of the International Association for
Near-Death Studies (IANDS) and is a member of the Association for Death
Education and Counseling (ADEC). He
presents workshops at conferences and local chapters of bereavement
support groups, hospices, churches, colleges, bookstores, and many other
types of institutions. His ADC research and book have been
featured on television (including "20/20") and radio (including “Coast
To Coast AM with George Noory” twice), and in numerous newspapers and
magazines throughout the United States and Canada. Bill has been
doing this for more than 23 years, and he does not accept any payment
for doing so – this is his “ministry.”
Raymond Moody, Ph.D., M.D.,Chair, Shared
Death Experiences
Raymond Moody is recognized as the leading authority on Near-Death
experiences, a phrase he coined in the late 1970s. He is the
best-selling author of 11 books, including Life After Life, which
has sold over 13 million copies worldwide, Reunions, Glimpses of
Eternity, and The Light Beyond. He has also written numerous
articles for academic and professional journals and is a frequent
lecturer and workshop presenter on the topics of Near-Death
Experiences, Death with Dignity, Life After Loss, Surviving Grief
and Finding Hope, Reunion—Visionary Encounters with Departed Loved
Ones, The Healing Power of Humor, Catastrophic Tragedies and
Collective Grief Responses, The Loss of Children, The Logic of
Nonsense, and many more. He has trained Hospice workers, clergy,
psychologists, nurses, doctors and other medical professionals in
all aspects of his work. He also works as a practitioner of
philosophic counseling and consults on a private individual basis.
He received BA, MA and PhD degrees in Philosophy from the University
of Virginia and his MD degree from the Medical College of Georgia.
Maggie Callanan, RN, Chair, Nearing Death Awareness
working for 15 years in critical care, since 1981 Maggie Callanan has
been a Hospice home care and in-patient nurse providing direct patient
care. She co-authored Final Gifts: Understanding the Special Awareness
Needs and Communications of the Dying, which received The American
Journal of Nursing’s Book of the Year Award in 1993. It is now
published in 12 languages. Her first book, Final Journeys: A
Practical Guide for Bringing Care and Comfort at the End of Life, was
subsequently published by Bantam in 2008 and now appears in two
languages and is available on Kindle. In recognition of her work,
Callanan received the Hospice and Palliative Care organization’s prized
award, “The Heart of Hospice” as 1995 National Caregiver of the Year.
She founded and served as primary writer for the American Journal of
Nursing’s “Dealing with Death” column; she also founded and continues to
serve as Director of the National Hospice, Palliative and Home Care
Speakers’ Bureau and speaks nationally and internationally on topics of
death, dying and maintaining professional and personal boundaries. She
is a member of the Society Group, a think tank on issues of aging, and a
member and former Board member of the International Association for
Near-Death Studies.
Chair, Past Life Recall Experiences
(to be supplied)
Chair, Out of Body experiences / Remote Viewing
(to be supplied)
Virginia Michelle Hummel, Chair, Orb Encounters
Hummel is an author and inspirational speaker on the subjects of Orbs
and New Age Bereavement Healing. She has been a lifelong student of
spiritual and metaphysical studies and most recently of the orb
phenomenon. Following the 2007 appearance of a brilliant white orb,
visible to her naked eyes, she has focused her energy into discovering
the source and identity of these intriguing balls of light. She is a
Certified Light Therapist who uses Divine Light, or subtle energy, as a
tool to assist in her ability as a medical intuitive. She is the author
of Miracle Messenger: Signs From Above, Love From Beyond.
Virginia has created a website devoted to the orb phenomenon and is
currently working on a new book on the subject.
To visit her website click
Chair, Mystical Experiences
(to be supplied)
Chair, Divine Entity Encounters
(to be supplied)
Chair, Induction Techniques
(to be supplied)
Chair, Transformative Effects
(to be supplied)
Pam Kircher, MD, Chair, Action Initiatives
Pam Kircher is a childhood Near-Death Experiencer. Her deep
awareness of universal love and interconnectedness led her to study at
Baylor College of Medicine (1975-1979) and become a Family Doctor with
an emphasis on mind, body, spirit medicine. From 1990-1994 she
worked at the Hospice at the Texas Medical Center in Houston where she
introduced an open awareness and discussion of NDEs and Nearing Death
Awareness in the final stages of life. In 1994 she moved to
Durango, CO where she subsequently helped develop the “Touch, Love, and
Compassion” and the “Steps to Surgical Success” programs which led to
establishing an Integrative Care Department at Mercy Medical Center. In
these programs, patients are offered free-of-charge energy work,
aromatherapy, music therapy, and guided meditation. For over
twenty year, Dr. Kircher has given presentations nationally and
internationally on NDEs, end-of-life issues, and integrative medicine.
Her book, Love is the Link: A Hospice Doctor Shares her Experience of
Near-Death and Dying, was published in 1995. And, for the past decade,
she has been a Master Trainer in Dr. Paul Lam’s modified Tai Chi for
Health programs for older adults and people with chronic conditions.
Chris Carter, PPE, MA, MBA, Chair, Alternative Explanations

Educated at Oxford and McMaster, with degrees in economics,
philosophy, and finance, Chris Carter is author of several journal
articles and books, including: Science and Psychic Phenomena: the
Fall of the House of Skeptics; Science and the Near-Death Experience;
and his latest, Science and the Afterlife Experience. He
currently teaches internationally
Genie Palmer, PhD
T. Palmer earned her Ph.D. in transpersonal psychology from the
Institute of Transpersonal Psychology (ITP) in 1999 (known as Sofia
University as of July 1, 2012). As an Executive Core Faculty member at
the university, she serves as Director of the Writing & Research Center,
which houses a Writing Lab, and as Dissertation Director for Residential
and Global Ph.D. Programs. She supports the dissertation process by
teaching and by assisting students with both the inner and outer work of
completing their dissertation process. Dr. Palmer teaches courses
related to dissertation preparation, advanced research methods, and
models of psychospiritual growth and development. Her research and
writing emphasis is on exceptional human experiences (EHEs),
particularly their disclosure aspects and work and life impacts. As a
transpersonal practitioner, she works with individuals and groups using
a process of spiritual guidance to foster spiritual growth and
development, and of coaching to facilitate assimilation and integration
of varieties of spiritual and transpersonal experiences, such as
mystical experiences, dreams, and meaningful coincidences.
Contributor and Member, Mystical Experiences
Yolaine Stout, BA, CFRM
Yolaine Stout is founding director and President of the American
Center for the Integration of Spiritually
Experiences (ACISTE) and past President of the International Association
for Near-Death Studies (IANDS). ACISTE helps provide integration support
for people who have had near-death or similar experiences. To gain a
better understanding of their needs, she has interviewed over one
thousand experiencers. She had an NDE in 1982 and has been researching
the literature on near-death experiences since 2001. Stout has
been sought as a resource for conference presentations, other
organizations, research projects, radio programs, film and TV
documentaries. In addition to her work with ACISTE, she has been a
writer, teacher, organizational consultant, facilitator and strategic
planner. She graduated with Honors from the University of California,
Berkeley and received a Certificate in Fundraising Management from the
Center of Philanthropy at Indiana University.
Contributor and Member: Near-Death
Experiences Committee
Claude Swanson, PhD
Swanson was educated as a physicist at MIT and Princeton University. At
Princeton he received the National Science Foundation Fellowship and
Putnam Fellowship. Dr. Swanson conducted postgraduate work at Princeton
and Cornell Universities on the design of superconducting plasma
containment vessels for fusion energy systems. For the last fifteen
years, interspersed with his conventional professional career in applied
physics, Dr. Swanson has pursued investigations into "unconventional
physics." This has led him to investigate many aspects of the
paranormal, which appear to be completely real phenomena which violate
our present science. Paranormal research suggests that the human soul,
the center of human consciousness, can survive death and is apparently
an energy form which can move and exist independently of the body. Dr.
Swanson has conducted extensive research in these areas, including:
research of the scientific literature, interviews with scientists in
these fields, attending and speaking at conferences, and conducting
experiments and investigations—to better understand how such paranormal
phenomena can be incorporated into modern science. He is the author of
The Synchronized Universe Vol. 1
New Science of the Paranormal and
Vol.2 Life Force the Scientific
To visit
his website click here
Contributor and Member: Orb Encounters
Deborah Erickson, MBA
Erickson, MBA, is a student at Saybrook University, completing her PhD
in Psychology with a concentration in consciousness and spirituality. In
her right-brain work she is a telepathic interspecies communicator,
parapsychology researcher, Reiki Master, Healing Touch for Animals
practitioner, and spiritualist. Her left brain work includes over 25
years in technology, as a director and in technical project management.
She is blending her background for her doctoral thesis research which
will be a blinded study of telepathic animal communication with 20 pair
of human guardian/animal companion teams participating. In March 2011
she was published in the NeuroQuantology Journal with an
article titled “Intuition, Telepathy, and Interspecies Communication: A
Multidisciplinary Perspective.” The paper is available on her website,
Contributor: Divine Entity and Orb Encounters
Cengiz Mordeniz, MD
Cengiz Mordeniz is Associate Professor, in the Department of
Anesthesiology, Intensive Care and Pain Medicine, on the Medical Faculty
at Namik Kemal University in Tekirdag, Turkey. He was a Visitor
at: Rigs Hospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark; Justus Liebig
University, Giessen; Heidelberg University, Germany; and Quantum
Medicine Association, Moscow. He is on the Turkish Scientific Advisory
Board of the Access to Opioid Medication in Europe (ATOME) project of
the World Health Organization, in collaboration with the EU. He
received his degree in Medicine from Istanbul University. Additional
credentials include: Certification from the Moscow Quantum Medicine
Academy; Specialist of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine from
Istanbul University; and Algologist from the Turkish Ministry of Health.
Contributor: Near-death Awareness and Near-Death
Audrey Redfield
Audrey Redfield is a PhD candidate in Clinical Psychology at Sofia
University (formerly the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology). She is
currently undergoing training as a psychotherapist and acquiring
internship hours for licensure. She is also working on her dissertation
research, using qualitative and intuitive inquiry research methods to
explore the experiences of transpersonal phenomena that people have at
electronic dance music events and how these experiences get integrated
into day to day life. This research is inspired by the spiritually
transformative experiences she has had at electronic dance music events.
Contributor to Ecstatic States: Mystical Experiences
Nancy du Tertre
du Tertre is known as “The Skeptical Psychic™.” She graduated
magna cum laude from Princeton University (with award for best thesis)
and with honors as a published member of the Law Review at Pace
University School of Law. As an attorney, she practiced securities
litigation in New York for nearly a decade. She was also the
editor/publisher of an award-winning newspaper specializing in the
health industry, owner of a printing company, owner and operator of a
242-bed skilled nursing home in Brooklyn, and owner of a French
porcelain factory. She trained for more than a decade and is
certified in Intuitive Gestalt Psychotherapeutic dialoguing from the
SomaPsyche Institute. After nearly a decade apprenticed to a
well-known psychic detective, she is now a psychic detective spiritual
medium, medical intuitive, paranormal investigator, minister and energy
healer. Ms. Du Tertre works with law enforcement and victims’
families on homicide cases, and gives private readings. She
lectures, teaches workshops, and hosts a weekly radio show called Hot
Leads Cold Cases on CBS and Para-X Radios. She has written a new
book entitled Psychic Intuition: Everything You Ever Wanted to Ask But
Were Afraid to Know, available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and
independent bookstores in August 2012. For more information,
please visit her website at
Contributor: Past Life recall Experiences