Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, MD (1926-2004)

Only the body dies at death.
Consciousness lives on eternally.
The driving meaning and purpose of life
is to love one another.
Several members of the Eternea collaboration knew Elisabeth
Kübler-Ross personally, attended her groundbreaking workshops, and were
profoundly affected by her wisdom, spirit and humor.
We honor her as one of the most important trail-blazers in the field
of Death and Dying, in the study of Near-Death Experiences, and in the
creation of the Hospice movement worldwide.
Swiss-born Elisabeth Kübler-Ross was a psychiatrist, humanitarian and
co-founder of the hospice movement. She authored the groundbreaking book
On Death and Dying (1969), which first discussed The Five Stages of
Grief. She subsequently wrote 24 books in 36 languages. Her legacy has
brought comfort to millions of people coping with their own deaths or
the death of a loved one.
more about Dr. Kübler-Ross
Books and Links:
By Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
On Death & Dying, (Simon & Schuster/Touchstone), 1969.
(reissue: Scribner 1997)
Questions & Answers on Death & Dying, (Simon &
Schuster/Touchstone), 1972. (reissue: Scribner 1997)
Death: The Final Stage of Growth, (Simon &
Schuster/Touchstone), 1974. (reissue: Scribner 1997)
Questions and Answers on Death and Dying: A Memoir of Living and
Dying, Macmillan, 1976.
To Live Until We Say Goodbye, (Simon & Schuster/Touchstone),
1978. (reissue: Scribner 1997)
The Dougy Letter -A Letter to a Dying Child, (Celestial
Arts/Ten Speed Press), 1979.
Working It Through, (Simon & Schuster/Touchstone), 1981.
(reissue: Scribner 1997)
Living with Death & Dying, (Simon & Schuster/Touchstone),
Remember the Secret, (Celestial Arts/Ten Speed Press), 1981.
(reissue: Tricycle Press 2004)
On Children & Death, (Simon & Schuster), 1985. (reissue:
Scribner 1997)
AIDS: The Ultimate Challenge, (Simon & Schuster), 1988.
(reissue: Scribner 1997)
On Life After Death, (Celestial Arts), 1991. (reissue:
Celestial Arts 2008)
Death Is of Vital Importance, (Out of Print- Now The Tunnel
and the Light), 1995.
Unfolding the Wings of Love (Germany only - Silberschnur),
Making the Most of the Inbetween, (Various Foreign), 1996.
AIDS & Love, The Conference in Barcelona, (Spain), 1996.
Longing to Go Back Home, (Germany only - Silberschnur),
Working It Through: An Elisabeth Kübler-Ross Workshop on
Life, Death, and Transition, Simon & Schuster, 1997.
The Wheel of Life: A Memoir of Living and Dying, (Simon &
Schuster/Scribner), 1997.
Why Are We Here, (Germany only - Silberschnur), 1999.
The Tunnel and the Light, (Avalon), 1999.
Life Lessons, (Simon and Schuster), 2001.
Life Lessons: Two Experts on Death and Dying Teach Us About
the Mysteries of Life and Living, with
Kessler, Scribner, 2001.
On Grief and Grieving: Finding the Meaning of Grief Through the
Five Stages of Loss, with David Kessler. Scribner, 2005.
Real Taste of Life: A photographic journal.
The Meaning of Our Suffering, (Barrytown/Station Hill
Press), 2000.
The Cocoon and the Butterfly, (Barrytown/Station Hill
Press), 2000.
Healing in our Time, (Barrytown/Station Hill Press), 2000.
Say Yes to It, (Barrytown/Station Hill Press), 2000.
About Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
Quest, Biography of EKR (Written with Derek Gill), (Harper & Row),
Select Videos with
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
Should you shield the canyons from the
you would never see the beauty of their carvings.
– Elisabeth Kübler-Ross