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Fred's Big Mistake - One We All Make

Fred's Big Mistake Happy Fred

Author’s Note:

In this work, Fred the caterpillar turned butterfly turned spirit turned caterpillar again is used with poetic license as a literary device, analogy or metaphor to symbolize human beings who have had a near-death experience and/or some other type of peak spiritually transformative experience, who return to this realm from the other side with important insights and knowledge that can enrich our understanding about the nature of existence… about who we really are and why we are really here – life’s true meaning and purpose.

Fred’s counting one to seven to go to heaven is in reference to Eternea’s Core Statements, most of which are referenced poetically in this work. Please reference Eternea’s Core Statements  and the Eternea Tree diagram.

To learn more, please revisit our website on a regular basis. Eternea plans to publish this poem in a 4-color illustrated book and to produce a full length animated film based on it.

Fred's Big Mistake -  One We All Make

A Topical Poem

by John R. Audette, MS

Copyright © 2015
All Rights Reserved
As puffy clouds passed overhead
A caterpillar snoozed named Fred
At the very top of an old elm tree
On a branch inside its canopy

This tall elm was Fred’s favorite tree
A private place to soothe misery
Here worries would quickly cease
This magical tree brought him peace

But not this day, unfortunately
The walls closed in mercilessly
Convinced there was no more hope
Fred was at the end of his rope

Fred was loved by those he knew
A good friend of many, true-blue
Superb husband and father too
Top notch through and through

Nothing much made him feel low
He had lots of get up and go
He rose each morning with the sun
Eager to explore and have fun

But on this humid summer day
Fred suffered intense dismay
Roused by a swaying branch
He awoke in a brooding trance

He debated ending his life
Not with poison or a sharp knife
But merely by falling to the ground
After all, it was a long way down

Morose, sulky and very sad
Never before had he felt this bad
His best friend Pete recently died
For many days Fred cried and cried

Young Fred was a handsome fellow
With spots and specks, black and yellow
A long slender body, forest green
Next to leaves it was hardly seen

His big brown eyes were open wide
Swollen with tears he could not hide
Pete was Fred’s pal, like a big brother
Fred loved him as much as his mother

Pete was a wonderful guy
Fred was angry he had to die
Although Pete had not wandered far
He strayed into the path of a car

The car was speeding down the road
It could have missed Pete if it slowed
But the driver deeply lost in chatter
Flattened Pete like a pancake, flatter

There were no sounds of brake squeals
Only the roar of approaching wheels
Pete tried hard to get out of the way
But it was not meant to be this day

Death was so awful, strange and sad
Losing loved ones made Fred feel bad
He thought, I won’t live one more day
Because those I love soon pass away

Fred lost loved ones many times before
His mom and dad and others galore
Some were eaten by birds or a snake
Others went into cocoons they would make

Heavy-laden with thoughts so dense
Fred screamed death makes no sense
Here one minute and gone the next
Like some cruel joke or evil hex

To us all death comes, weak and strong
Life on earth does not last very long
It ends fast in the blink of an eye
We live but a moment, then we die

We struggle to survive each day
Always afraid we’ll become prey
Dodging great dangers here and there
Then, poof, it’s all over, how unfair

We raise our young and do our best
All too soon, they leave the nest
It’s odd how fast things come and go
What’s it all for, does anyone know

(to be continued.....)

Eternea Members

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