Biography of Dr. Mark Pitstick
Eternea's Director of Education

Mark Pitstick, MA, DC, has over forty years’ experience and training in hospitals, pastoral counseling settings, mental health centers
and private practice. His training includes a premedical degree, graduate theology/pastoral counseling studies,
masters in clinical psychology, and doctorate in chiropractic health care. He also provided suicide prevention counseling
and education to many people.
Mark began having clairaudient experiences around age ten and has been blessed with numerous miracles, revelatory,
and spiritually transformative experiences. After working in hospitals with many suffering and dying adults and children,
he was motivated to find sensible, evidence-based answers to the questions that many people ask: “Who am I? Why am I here?
What happens after I die? Will I see my departed loved ones again? Is there a God? Why is there so much suffering?”
His books, documentary film, CDs and experiential workshops address all of these questions and help you survive and even thrive through
life’s biggest changes and challenges. Further, his work helps you discover how to enjoy the greatest life you have envisioned—no
matter what your current circumstances.
Dr. Pitstick wrote Soul Proof: Compelling Evidence That No One Really Dies and Radiant Wellness: A Holistic Guide for Optimal Body,
Mind & Spirit. Drs. Wayne Dyer, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, Deepak Chopra, Bernie Siegel and others endorsed them.
His latest book, The Eleven Questions, shares his and eleven experts’ answers to the most commonly asked questions about life, death and afterlife.
Guests include Anita Moorjani, Caroline Myss, Gary Schwartz, Stan Grof, Bill Guggenheim, and others.

Mark was the executive producer for the Soul Proof documentary film, a 93-minute movie featuring interviews with people who had evidentiary experiences.
He also created five transformational CDs and leads Transformational Breathwork sessions. A frequent radio guest,
Pitstick hosted Soul-utions, a nationally syndicated radio show about practical spirituality, and Ask the Soul Doctors radio show interviewing top consciousness experts.

Mark is certified in Past Life Regression therapy by Brian Weiss, M.D. and the Facilitated After-Death Contact technique by Raymond Moody, M.D.
He also started and is a board member for a bereaved parents group,
Helping Parents Heal
, writes the Q & A for their newsletters, He is also the director of education for
. He has given many nationwide workshops on spiritual awareness and optimal wellness.
To learn more about Dr. Pitstick
visit his website Soul Proof